Present, mobile presence is the hereafter of all businesses – big, small or medium. The business organization need is to drive your revenue through a flawless mobile experience. Android is the most popular platform, when information technology comes to mobile devices globally. And so, it is necessary to deploy android app in Google Play Console for broad customer outreach in 2022.

Getting higher ROI is the goal which companies seek while embarking on mobile app project journeying.

Therefore, endgame like mobile application evolution can enable businesses to stay alee of contest in 2020's decade.

At the nowadays fourth dimension, nosotros cannot deny it that market is stringent.

And so, whatsoever wrong move can push you dorsum exponentially.

Catering to a wider audience segment, a lot of companies opt for sectional Android apps.

How to Deploy Android App in Google Play Console
How to Deploy Android App in Google Play Console

Android App Deployment – A major Claiming

Y'all are done with mobile programming endeavor, by successfully crafting your shiny new Android application.

The next challenge mobile developers face is to efficiently handle deployment keys in play shop console.

Now, it is necessary to deploy android app in Google Play Panel, without any error.

Why is it important to deploy Android App in Google Play Panel?

You lot may inquire what is in information technology for me eh?

Both private and enterprise developers get extensive benefits, if they deploy Android app in Google Play Console.

Firstly, Google Play provides a secure app distribution platform.

Secondly, it enables security and work contour compatibility.

Thirdly, information technology provides configuration direction, and distribution tools.

Need we say more?

Therefore, Google offers and then many features birthday with Google Play for mobile developers.

So, they can manage their Android app deployment, without having to worry and hassling with various difficult situations.

Now, we explain in detail how to upload Android app using Google's App Signing method.

Handling Android Deployment Keys In Google Play Console
Treatment Android Deployment Keys In Google Play Console

Treatment the Deployment of Android App in Google Play Console

Have you lot always generated and signed the APK yourself?

Remember that it was your responsibleness to go along the key store rubber for future updates.

You lot know the anxiety that kicks in, if yous accidentally lose the central store file.

It was literally game over.

Your only option at that betoken was to create a new application.

In improver, y'all also lost all the previous reviews and ratings associated to the current app.

So, you exercise not desire to start over now.

Do y'all?

Therefore, to overcome this problem forever, Google introduced a new App signing method.

It preserves the key store file on the play store.

This in turn, relieves the developer from storing the key store file locally and keeping it rubber.

Google's new App Signing Method – Android App Bundle

For this purpose, Google has introduced new option in the Android Studio to generate Android App Bundle.

Let's take a look at it stride-by-step now.

Pace 1: Create Upload Central

Start of all, Effigy 1 shows the new option in the Android Studio.

Figure 1 - Select Android App Deployment Method In Google Play Console
Figure ane – Select Android App Deployment Method In Google Play Console

At present select the Android App Parcel pick.

Press the Next button.

Then, you lot will run into the post-obit screen.

Figure 2 - Select the Export encrypted key option for Android App Deployment
Figure 2 – Select the Export encrypted key pick for Android App Deployment

Notice the Figure ii now.

A new option Consign encrypted key is available here.

Just select this selection.

Continue with Next push button.

Then printing Finish button.

Figure 3 - Click Finish Button To Generate Files For Android App Deployment
Figure 3 – Click Finish Push To Generate Files For Android App Deployment

After this process, android studio will generate ii files.

  1. Android App Bundle file with extension .aab in the selected destination folder.
  2. Individual cardinal with extension .pepk in the C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.android path.

We head over to Step 2 now.

Step 2: Prepare your release in Google Play Console

Follow the process given below.

  1. Go to the Google Play Console at present.
  2. Select an app.
  3. On the left carte du jour, select Release direction > App releases then.
    a. If you take created a new application. Then in Next to App signing past Google Play, select Accept choice.
    b. If you desire to enable Google App Signing for already existing applications. And then select upload a key exported from Android Studio option. Now printing App Signing Private Primal push button to upload *.pepk private central file. Once the private key is uploaded, the Google App Signing option is enabled. And then you lot can use App Bundle package.
  4. On the left menu, select App Signing pick. Y'all tin can encounter the App signing certificate and Upload certificate options.
    a. For new applications, both certificates volition be different.
    b. For existing applications, later enabling App Signing feature from step 3, you lot will find that these certificates will be the aforementioned.
    c. To configure Google Maps in Google Console API dashboard, information technology is meliorate to use both SHA1 certificates fingerprints. So that Google map can piece of work properly. Because, in debug build, the Google map will be executed using Upload Cardinal (generated past Android studio) method. But in released build, the Google map will exist executed using App Signing method. Sometimes, developers only configure Upload Certificate, and not the App Signing Certificate method. This results into Google Map not loading in Android App in release style.

So, make sure yous download the App Signing Certificate also.

The chief benefit of the Android App Bundle is that Google volition re-sign the APK with deployment key, and will generate APKs as per device configuration.

See the Effigy 4 adjacent.

This depicts Release direction > Production > App Bundle Explorer screen now.

Figure 4 - APKs per Device Configuration in APP Bundle Explorer
Figure 4 – APKs per Device Configuration in APP Parcel Explorer

In this fashion, APK co-ordinate to the device capability will be downloaded.

In consequence, the APK download size will exist reduced besides.


Google Play Stats for 2022

  • By June 2020, Google Play Store has more than 2.96 1000000 mobile apps. (Statista)
  • Till end of 2022, almanac number of global app downloads volition grow to 250 billion. (App Annie)
  • On average, 3276 new apps are deployed to Google Play every twenty-four hour period. (42matters)
  • Till July 2020, free apps are over 96% of applications on Google app store. (AppBrain)
  • By 2024, games are forecast to earn 74% of gross app revenues in Google Play store. (Statista)

Statistic: Number of available applications in the Google Play Store from December 2009 to June 2020 | Statista
Find more than statistics at Statista


The market place is no longer exclusive, equally innovative apps are constantly surfacing and creating their ain niche.

Therefore, paying heed to the winds of modify is the first stride towards wanting something progressive for your business.

As a result, it has become important to have quality Android app, which is uploaded on Google Play Store and then.

All these are crucial steps for your business organization that require proper planning from the very give-and-take go.

Practice you need end-to-end app development, deployment and back up?

Then, let Techliance help y'all in your side by side mobile app journeying.

So, feel confident to contact us today.

Make & Deploy Android App in Google Play Console
Brand & Deploy Android App in Google Play Panel

Asif Javaid Chughtai is Principal Software Engineer at Techliance, a leading Custom IT Services Company based in United States. He has a keen interest in Android and MS .Net framework development. You lot can spot him occasionally writing on Techliance Blog and other forums. Do you have any questions or comments on this commodity? Then, you lot can write to him at for certain.

Android App Deployment FAQs

How much google play panel cost?

To employ Google Play Console, you accept to create a programmer business relationship with Google.

This costs mobile programmer a $25 USD registration fee once.

Then, you tin can forever publish every bit many apps on Google Play, as per your liking.

How many apps can I publish on Google Play?

Y'all can publish unlimited apps on Google Play per developer ID.

At that place are some size constraints per apk though.

An upload limit of fifteen apps per day is applicable.

How long does it take for an app to be published on Google Play?

If an app fulfills Google's quality standards, and then it is published within few hours, after uploading the app to Google Play.

The app is gradually fabricated available to all countries afterward.

In some cases, it takes up to vii days or longer, to review and publish an app.

Infrequent situations like COVID-19 brand review times extremely long.