Nissan Motor Co. CEO Hiroto Saikawa expressed an intention Monday to review the automaker'due south long-standing alliance with Renault SA, following concluding week's arrest of its quondam Chairman Carlos Ghosn for alleged financial misconduct, according to visitor sources.

The alliance is "non equal," Saikawa was quoted as saying at his kickoff meeting with company employees to explain the arrest of their charismatic boss, who has played a key office in the alliance that is viewed as favoring Nissan'south largest shareholder Renault.

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Saikawa also said he wants to reflect "the volition of Nissan" more in building relations with Renault and "it was a trouble that likewise much potency was concentrated in one person," referring to Ghosn, who doubled equally Renault CEO and Nissan chairman, according to the sources.

He also apologized at the meeting held at Nissan's headquarters in Yokohama, which was broadcast live to factories and offices nationwide, for the undermining of trust in the company.

Nissan dismissed Ghosn equally chairman at an emergency board meeting last Thursday later his arrest on Nov. 19.

Renault appointed its chief operating officer as deputy CEO last Tuesday to atomic number 82 its management on a temporary footing. Ghosn remains chairman and CEO.

On Monday, the lath of Mitsubishi Motors Corp., the third partner in the Franco-Japanese alliance, voted unanimously to strip Ghosn of his role as chairman, citing the difficulty of his continuing in the post because he is detained and expected to face up criminal proceedings.

"Our visitor would face up reputational risks if Mr. Ghosn remained in his mail service," Mitsubishi Motors CEO Osamu Masuko told reporters after the board meeting, which as well decided that Masuko will double equally chairman until a shareholders' meeting is held.

(Mitsubishi Motors Osamu Masuko speaks in Tokyo after the company's board decided to strip Carlos Ghosn of his role as chairman.)

Masuko too said Mitsubishi Motors will remain committed to the brotherhood for the company's growth.

Mitsubishi Motors joined the Nissan-Renault alliance in 2016 when Nissan took a 34 pct stake in the smaller automaker, which was reeling from a fuel data manipulation scandal at the fourth dimension.

While Nissan has said the alliance "remains unchanged," the latest remark past Saikawa indicates the Japanese visitor's desire to seek a bigger say in it.

Even though Nissan has contributed most l percent of the French automaker's cyberspace income in recent years, Renault owns a 43.4 percent stake in Nissan, which holds a xv pct stake in its French peer just without voting rights and 34 percent in Mitsubishi Motors.

Ghosn was initially dispatched by Renault in 1999 as part of a capital tie-upward to salvage Nissan from bankruptcy. He was the crucial linchpin of the complex tripartite partnership, which also involves the French government that is the top shareholder in Renault with a stake of about 15 percentage.

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told BFM TV on Sunday that it is desirable for the brotherhood to continue to exist led by a person from Renault. He also said he hopes to maintain the cantankerous shareholding of the group.

The acme executives of the iii automakers are making arrangements to hold a meeting this week to discuss how to run the 3-fashion brotherhood, sources familiar with the matter have said.

Ghosn was arrested for allegedly underreporting his remuneration by around five billion yen ($44 million) for five years through fiscal 2014. He received nearly 10 billion yen during that period.

Nissan Representative Director Greg Kelly was arrested along with Ghosn on suspicion of conspiracy and was dismissed from the post at the emergency board coming together. Both Ghosn and Kelly have denied the charges, according to sources shut to the affair.

Nissan has said an internal investigation uncovered "significant" misconduct by Ghosn, including underreporting of his remuneration and misappropriation of funds to cover private expenses, which continued for a long menstruation. It also said Kelly was "securely" involved.

Renault, for its part, has launched an investigation into possible misconduct by Ghosn in relation to his remuneration and visitor assets, with the outcome expected as early as this calendar week, according to Le Maire.